Don’t give up your blog for other social media
On For Bloggers, By Bloggers, Aaron Lee has an article I completely agree with: 5 Reasons Not to Give Up Your Blog Because of Twitter. The nugget of the article is that Facebook and Twitter are nice, but your blog or Web site is WHERE YOU MAKE MONEY, so THAT’s where you should focus your efforts.
I can’t say it better, so if you want the details read the article here.
Good day!
Thanks for the link, on behalf of the for bloggers by bloggers team we appreciate it.
Agree 1,000%! I would never (ever, ever, ever) give up my blog (that I own and control) for marketing solely on another platform. That’s just a bad idea period. On my own blog, I set the rules, I decide what changes, etc. On another network, well, I’m just borrowing someone else’s space (they control and decide what happens to my content there).
Great point! Your blog is great by the way – tons of great blogging tips for real estate professionals or really, for anyone looking to improve their business with a blog.